I get SO many questions daily on the Facebook site I am the admin for (e.g. “What does ppu mean on Facebook?) – I thought I would jot down questions and answers to them here so that people could reference them as needed. *Please note these are specific to the Brookfield Area for Sale site – some may not apply to other sites.
Q. What does PPU mean?
A. Planned Pick Up
Q. Why was my post deleted?
A. It must have not followed the site rules: The most common reason is more than one picture in post, any beyond one need to be in comments.
Q. How much time do I need to wait until I move on to the next person interested?
A. 24 Hours
Q. What is FCFS
A. First Come First Served
Q. What does cross-posted mean?
A. It is listed on multiple sales sites
Q. Does a question or comment count as interest?
A. Yes it does – you do not have to say interested for it to count
Q. Do I have to meet in Brookfield for the sale?
A. No you do not
Q. Can I post my product such as Thirty-one, Norwex, or Partylite?
A. No you may not